Banc d'essai, Les actus Hifi Link

La platine Holbo MK2 testée par Tracking Angle

tracking angle holbo MK2

Tracking Angle teste la platine Holbo MK2

La platine Holbo MK2 est une platine tangentielle avec un plateau sur coussin d’air.

Un vrai coup de cœur, une platine tangentielle avec cette qualité de fabrication à ce prix est rare sur le marché, voire inexistant …

Cette platine MK2, comporte de multiples améliorations par rapport au MK1qui en font une platine haut de gamme élégante et performante.
Elle est en écoute permanente dans notre magasin.

Déjà primée de nombreux award, les avis sont tous les mêmes : cette platine au prix de 6800 euros n’a rien a envier aux grosses platines plus coûteuses :


“The overall presentation was natural in terms of the large venues’ acoustic representation while also demonstrating tonally realistic and lifelike performances. All these qualities combined to evolve listening sessions from analytical examinations into abandoned joyful pleasure. What’s more, the tonearm is pure genius in terms of simplicity and super-effectiveness. It’s a suitable support for any quality cartridge, no matter the price.”



Best buy award
« The HOLBO turntable is far more than the sum of its parts. It brings out creativity, with a variety of challenges being properly channeled. It goes beyond what’s expected, doesn’t limit the medium, and offers an impressive extraction of the essential qualities of music. »




Tracking Angle l’a testé pour vous :

« The Holbo Mk2 is an impressively engineered and presented integrated turntable/tonearm combo. It worked flawlessly during the months I had it set up and it never called attention to any shortcomings until it was compared to far more costly turntables. It ran at the correct speed (when properly set), produced quiet backgrounds, was fun to listen to and use and didn’t exhibit any noticeable, impossible to ignore sonic characteristics. It was at all times and with all genres, pleasing, and I hate to use the word, but sometimes it’s appropriate—“musical”. »

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